All purchases for hosting, or services must be paid in full before delivery. Hosting accounts...
Application PathsHere is a list of commonly used paths that customers ask about: The server or absolute path is...
Cloud Server 1 Node SpecificationsHere is a very basic Cloud Server just setup with one node only it is a basic LAMP install with...
Create/Delete cron jobs in CpanelCron Jobs run scheduled tasks at specific times. This is good to set up automated backups and or...
FFMPEG PathsPath to FFMPEG related files: FMPEG: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg PHP: /usr/bin/php FLVTool2:...
How do I host more than one domain?There are a couple of ways that you can host additional domains - the first is called parking a...
Port NumbersCPANEL cPanel uses port 2082 and secure port 2083 WHM uses port 2086 and secure port 2087...
Refund PolicyAny customer requesting a refund in 30 days or less will get a refund with no questions asked....
SPAM PolicyBulk Commercial E-Mail You must obtain Affordable Business Solutions LLC's advance approval for...
SSH PortTo be able to login to SSH you must use port 2222 If you are using WinSCP you should get a...
Server SpecificationsWe proudly offer powerful and robust Multi-Core / Multi-Processor web servers like the new Intel...
What are your cPanel features?Ability to Change MX YES Image Manager YES Ability to Trace an email address...
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